Flash wmode=transparent 与TextField不兼容的BUG

Mobius posted @ 2009年12月28日 04:05 in ActionScript 3.0 with tags flash FireFox 3 wmode transparent , 2225 阅读

在FireFox下,当加载swf的那段<object>或<embed>里的wmode="opaque"或wmode="transparent"时,Flex TextInput和TextArea无法输入正确中文。详见此帖

那段脚本只是用于做Flash Player版本检测和提供deep-link功能(见官方帮助"About the wrapper")
在这篇文章Flash wmode=transparent breaks textinput field中,Adobe的一个工程师(John Dowdell)对这个问题作出了回应:
Asking the browser to do stuff is hard, because they all have fringe behavior.
In this case we’re asking the browser to accept plugin input directly into its own compositing stack, instead of blasting direct to screen.
Weirdest WMODE problem I’ve seen has been one where asking the browser to print the webpage would print the SWF upside down. Others have had accessibility differences.
If it’s just in Player, we can fix it ourselves. But if it’s in the communication with the browsers, it’s harder.
I’m sorry you lost time on it though. :(







Chelsea Haigh 说:
2019年4月02日 14:47

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